Hello world!

I believe the meaning of life is to live in the present moment, show up, increase your vibrational frequency so you can tap into your source, and live your best life.

Ok, you might be thinking "Woah there, lady... You're starting us off with the MEANING OF LIFE?? Vibrational frequency?? Source? Listen hippie, take it down a notch... I'm just here for some oil swag..."

But seriously, hear me out.

Everyone wants to be happy. We spend a lot of time searching for happiness in things we buy, experiences we have, people and things. Happiness is not a state you achieve like "Yay! I'm there! I'm done now! Check that off my to-do list!" No, it's a practice. It's a muscle you need to work out in order to build it and keep it strong to make it easier when you need to do some heavy lifting. Exercising that muscle involves moving on from the past, stopping futile efforts to control the future, and giving all your attention to the present moment to make it the best it can be.

Maybe you're here because you're my friend and you want to know what I've been up to lately. Maybe you're here to learn more about essential oils and healing stones and other amazing tools for your health, your heart, and your soul. Or maybe you're just here because you know that there are areas of your life that could be better, you know there is a way, and you are searching for where to start.

Whatever the reason, WELCOME! You are totally in the right place. I spend a great deal of time learning ways to be healthier, happier, and more aligned with my purpose and I would LOVE to share with you what I've learned and learn from you as well.